Gramin Bhandaran Yojana & Login Portal

Gramin Bhandaran Yojana

Gramin Bhandaran Yojana


It is crucial to ensure adequate storage and preservation of agricultural goods in a nation like India where agriculture is crucial to the economy. The Indian government created the Gramin Bhandaran Yojana (GBY) to offer financial support for the development of rural storage facilities in response to this demand. This comprehensive programme encourages effective post-harvest management techniques, reduces waste, and improves prospects for money production in order to empower farmers and rural communities. The Gramin Bhandaran Yojana's salient characteristics, advantages, and effects are covered in detail in this article.

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Goals and Important Features

The primary objective of the 2001-launched Gramin Bhandaran Yojana is the construction of scientific storage facilities in rural regions. The program's goals consist of

Strengthening rural storage infrastructure

Building or renovating storage facilities such warehouses, godowns, silos, cold storage units and other post-harvest management facilities is one of GBY's primary goals. These buildings are outfitted with contemporary technology, which guarantees ideal storage conditions to reduce losses from spoilage, pests, and natural disasters.

Financial support

To develop storage facilities, the programme offers financial support to private persons, farmer organisations, cooperatives, self-help groups, and agricultural produce marketing committees. Best storage practises may be adopted more easily thanks to the help, which pays for both construction expenses and operating expenditures.

Capacity-building and training

GBY places a strong emphasis on capacity-building programmes to inform farmers and rural communities about cutting-edge pest control, crop handling, and storage methods. To increase awareness and understanding among stakeholders, training sessions, workshops, and demonstrations are planned.

Subsidised loans

The programme provides qualified recipients with subsidised loans for the building of storage facilities. These loans, offered by numerous financial institutions, are affordable for farmers and rural business owners due to their competitive interest rates, flexible payback terms, and low collateral requirements.

Marketing possibilities

The Gramin Bhandaran Yojana encourages effective market connections, making it easier for farmers to receive higher prices for their goods. The plan enables farmers to preserve their harvests and sell them at advantageous times, avoiding distress sales during periods of low market prices, by developing storage facilities closer to agricultural centres.

Advantages and Effect 

The agriculture industry and rural populations have benefited greatly from the Gramin Bhandaran Yojana
  • Reduced post-harvest losses: Reduce post-harvest losses, which can make up a significant amount of agricultural waste, is one of the main objectives of GBY. The programme has assisted farmers by giving them access to modern storage facilities and training, allowing them to properly store their product and avoid rotting and insect infestations. Farmers' earnings have grown as a result of the decline in losses, which has also enhanced food security and alleviated strain on the agricultural supply chain.
  • Improved market competitiveness: Farmers may hold their harvests until the market is favourable thanks to the availability of storage facilities, minimising reliance on rapid sales. Farmers now have more authority to bargain for higher prices, enter new markets, and take part in value-added tasks like processing and packaging. The programme has improved small and marginal farmers' ability to compete in the market, allowing them to increase their profits.
  • Creation of jobs: The development of storage infrastructure through GBY has produced job possibilities in rural regions. Labour is needed for the building and upkeep of storage facilities, and related jobs are created by packaging, shipping, and quality control. This has improved livelihoods, lowered urban migration, and helped to rural development.
  • Efficiency of the agricultural supply chain: The Gramin Bhandaran Yojana was instrumental in enhancing the effectiveness of the agricultural supply chain. The programme has assisted in preserving the quality of agricultural goods throughout transit and distribution by lowering post-harvest losses and guaranteeing adequate storage. As a result, the supply chain has become more dependable and efficient, which is good for both farmers and customers. The availability of storage facilities has also made it easier to combine the goods from many farms, enabling economies of scale and more seamless market transactions.
  • Food security and price stability: By reducing waste and maintaining a stable supply of agricultural goods, GBY has improved food security. Perishable crops may be preserved for extended periods of time with enhanced storage facilities, making them available during lean seasons or emergencies. This consistency in food supply supports price stability and guarantees that customers have access to wholesome food.
  • Rural community empowerment: The Gramin Bhandaran Yojana has helped rural communities become more independent and entrepreneurial. The programme encourages farmers to establish cooperatives and farmer producer organisations, as well as to own storage facilities. This collaborative strategy encourages community cooperation, information exchange, and group decision-making in addition to fortifying the storage infrastructure.
  • Climate resilience: As a result of the major difficulties that climate change is posing to agriculture, GBY is concentrating on building climate-resilient storage infrastructure. The programme encourages the development of technology like temperature-controlled warehouses and solar-powered cold storage, which lessens reliance on traditional energy sources and has a less negative impact on the environment. This focus on environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions makes rural communities more resilient to climate change.

Implementation Methodology

The following steps are part of the GBY implementation process:
  • Application and approval: Eligible entities must submit their applications to the appropriate state agencies in charge of putting the programme into action. The applications are subsequently evaluated, and those who qualify for approval are granted.
  • Financial support: Following approval, the beneficiaries are given financial support in the form of a capital subsidy, which pays for a portion of the storage structure's overall construction or upgrade costs.
  • Construction and improvement: In accordance with the standards outlined by the programme, the beneficiaries construct or upgrade the storage facilities. The implementation of best practises is ensured through the provision of adequate technical assistance and training.
  • Monitoring and inspection: To guarantee compliance with the established requirements, the responsible authorities frequently monitor and inspect the quality and progress of newly constructed or upgraded storage facilities.


In India, the Gramin Bhandaran Yojana has transformed the way that rural storage infrastructure is supported and how farmers are empowered. The programme has had a favourable effect on the agricultural industry by tackling the crucial problem of post-harvest losses and enhancing storage procedures. It has decreased waste, increased farmers' earnings, created jobs, promoted food security, and helped create a more effective agricultural supply chain.

It is essential to continue bolstering the Gramin Bhandaran Yojana's implementation in the future by increasing storage infrastructure in underserved regions, giving farmers support and training, and utilising technology breakthroughs to further increase storage efficiency. Effective systems for monitoring and evaluating the programme should also be in place to guarantee its openness, responsibility, and ongoing development.

The Gramin Bhandaran Yojana is a prime example of the government's dedication to rural prosperity and agricultural growth. The programme is essential in reshaping India's agricultural environment, opening the door for sustainable growth, and guaranteeing a better future for rural populations by giving priority to storage infrastructure and farmer empowerment.


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