Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)
Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram (RBSK)
Objectives of Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram:
1. Comprehensive health screening: Children between the ages of 0 and 18 are given this service under the programme. In order to offer children with health services, a group of professional health workers conducts the screening in communities and schools.
2. Early identification and management of 4Ds: The programme intends to test kids for the four health issues known as the 4Ds, which include birth defects, illnesses, deficits, and developmental delays. Early detection and care of the 4Ds is also a goal of the programme. Children who are diagnosed with any of these diseases are guaranteed to receive the proper care
3. Promotion of healthy lifestyles: The programme attempts to encourage kids to lead a balanced life, including good cleanliness, physical exercise, and dietary habits.
4. Referral and treatment: The programme makes sure that kids who need more medical help are directed for greater tiers of service and given the right care.
Challenges faced by RBSK
Lack of knowledge: A lot of parents and other carers are unaware of the programme and the services it offers. This makes it challenging to get out to the kids who need medical treatment.
Infrastructure problems: It might be challenging to provide children with healthcare services in some places due to a lack of infrastructure, including transportation and healthcare facilities.
Lack of healthcare workers: It is challenging to offer complete healthcare services for children due to a lack of healthcare workers, particularly in rural regions.
Resistance to change: The adoption of RBSK necessitates modifications to the current healthcare system and procedures. The program's execution may be hampered by healthcare professionals', community leaders', and government officials' resistance to change.
Data management concerns: For RBSK to be implemented successfully, data on child screening, diagnosis, and therapy must be managed correctly. The successful execution of the programme may be hampered by data management issues, such as those involving missing or erroneous data.
Impact of Rashtriya Bal Swasthya Karyakram
Proper identification and therapy of illnesses. The programme has aided in the early identification and treatment of illnesses in young people, such as structural heart problems, visual and auditory impairments, and mental health issues.
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